Time proved that there is no alternative to Heydar Aliyev policy and that the people`s supporting Ilham Aliyev is the most righteous step

Q: Celebrative events are underway in all parts of the country to mark the 91st anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev. What could you say of the national leader`s role in the history of Azerbaijan?
A: It is the fact that it is national leader Heydar Aliyev who is considered the man behind the statehood building in Azerbaijan, the country`s economic prosperity and socio-political stability.
With great sense of pride we today say that it was national leader Heydar Aliyev who saved Azerbaijan from civil war and split, and who ensured the country`s becoming one of the world`s leaders.
The national leader-founded strategy of development is now being realized in front of the eyes of the current generation. Azerbaijan`s achievements today, the strengthening of the country`s independence is the continuation of the Heydar Aliyev path, and his idea of Azerbaijanism.
Time proved that there is no alternative to Heydar Aliyev policy and that the people`s supporting Ilham Aliyev is the most righteous step.
Thanks to the national leader`s policy Azerbaijan has achieved its progress and earned an excellent image on the international scene.
In most difficult times national leader Heydar Aliyev was together with Azerbaijan and his people. Thanks to his iron will and resolution, he had always managed to help the country overcome challenges and problems to ensure its prosperity.
He devoted his life to serving the Azerbaijani people and statehood. Heydar Aliyev was a national leader, a wise ruler and a great personality. And the people of Azerbaijan have great respect and pay tribute to him.
Q: Azerbaijan is now experiencing dynamic development. What are the factors that lie behind these achievements?
A: More than 22 years ago the Azerbaijani people achieved its long-term dream – they achieved their independence.
The first years of independence can truly be called the years of manifestation of national leader Heydar Aliyev`s love, loyalty and commitment to Azerbaijan and every Azerbaijani citizen.
Azerbaijan is now developing at a rapid pace. We all know that national leader Heydar Aliyev`s coming to power in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era saw the country ensure rapid development in industry, agriculture, education and other areas.
In 1969-1982, Azerbaijan transformed from the poorest republic of the Soviet Union into one of the most developed ones.
Those years were very difficult for Azerbaijan. We faced the Armenian military aggression which resulted in the occupation of 20 percent of our lands by Armenia and the emergence of over one million Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs. The United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding an unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian Armed Forces of the occupied lands of Azerbaijan – Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions.
In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 2nd Global Shared Societies Forum in Baku President Ilham Aliyev said: “We are currently enjoying the support of international institutions as never before in history. This is evidenced by the fact that 155 countries have voted for us during the election of nonpermanent members of the UN Security Council. This means that we were supported by the vast majority of the international community.”
“We were supported even by countries with which our bilateral relations were not very active. They showed confidence in us because they knew that we would keep our promises. Our main agenda as a member of the UN Security Council was to protect the supremacy of law and justice. I think these are two major elements of the present-day world. Unfortunately, both are grossly violated and there is no reaction to this violation.”
“There are four UN Security Council resolutions calling for an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from our territories. None of these resolutions has been executed. The occupation continues. We have been exposed to ethnic cleansing. For more than 20 years Nagorno-Karabakh, a historical part of our country, as well as seven adjacent districts, have been under occupation. Of course, international organizations have adopted resolutions. Other international organizations, including the OSCE, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and, of course, the UN General Assembly and Security Council, have adopted decisions in connection with this. However, none of them has been executed. Apparently, there are no enforcement mechanisms.”
Q: The national leader`s historic mission is today being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev as the country is moving forward on the path of development and prosperity…
A: Thanks to tireless labour of President Ilham Aliyev, who is committed to continuing the policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan has today become of the most rapidly developing countries in the world.
All areas are being developed in Azerbaijan, I would like to note economic prosperity, as the economy plays a crucial role in boosting the development of other spheres.
President Ilham Aliyev said: “We have our own experience. Our independence is relatively young. Although we gained independence only 22 years ago, we have managed to resolve various issues in such a short period of history. In the beginning, we were faced with many problems, political and economic difficulties. Now, at a time when Azerbaijan is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, these changes are beyond doubt. And we are glad to have been part of this process and to actively participate in the transformation of Azerbaijan into a modern state. Our people have beautiful historical customs, traditions and culture, but our independence is still quite young.”
Q: We would like you to give us a brief insight into the activities of Azeragrartikinti…
A: Thanks to President Ilham Aliyev`s wise policy Azerbaijan is now experiencing the construction boom. Construction activities are carried out in all regions of the country, including event most remote villages. Large-scaled land improvement and greening work is underway in Baku and other regions.
Azeragrartikinti has conducted large-scaled and considerable work. This included the complete overhaul of the administrative building of the Milli Majlis and construction of a new building for it, complete overhaul of the Heydar Aliyev Palace, renovation of water supply and sewerage systems in Goranboy and Goygol regions, construction of apartments for refugees and IDPs in several regions, reconstruction of five educational facilities in Baku.
I would also like to emphasize that a new building of the “Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia” science center and a new building of the Central Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences were also built by Azeragrartikinti.